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TfL SERU Open Book Exam

TfL is currently piloting the SERU Open Book exam with London private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers in the 'group one' category. This initiative aims to assess the knowledge and understanding of PHV drivers on a range of essential topics, including road safety, passenger rights, and responsible driving practices. The SERU Open Book exam is designed to be accessible and flexible, allowing drivers to complete it at their own pace and in a setting that suits them. This section provides detailed information about the pilot program, including the structure of the exam, the topics covered, and the benefits of participating. 

The Exam Format

If you're preparing for the TfL Open Book Exam, you might be wondering how it differs from the regular TfL SERU Test. Fortunately, there's a helpful video that explains the exam format, question types, and exam software. Check it out to get a better idea of what to expect on day.


TfL is currently piloting the SERU Open Book exam with London private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers in the 'group one' category. The video is an excellent resource for all PHV drivers interested in learning more about the SERU Open Book exam and how to prepare for it. 

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